Sovtest ATE, Ltd. presents its new development multifunctional relay tester FT-17R which is used for measurement parameters of direct and alternating current electromagnet relay for suitability to technical and GOST 16121-86 requirements. The relay tester is 19” stand with operator’s working place.
This equipment has got wide area of application. It can be used for control output products at electromagnet relay manufacturing facilities, for input control of relay parameters at consumer production and for control of relay parameters at certificate centers and “second supplier” as well. With the help of this development diagnosis of failure and relay parameters inspections can be held including influence of environment (vibration, shock, climate and other). Relay tester FT-17R is unique with its multifunctionality. Its abilities allow to achieve 6 controlled relay coil and 8 controlled relay contact groups with increasing possibility both of them. In basic configuration there is one working place but it is possible to enlarge number of simultaneous tested relays up to 4 pcs.
With the help of the relay tester FT-17R it is possible to carry out measurements of all the relay characteristics:
- voltage and drop-off/pick-up current measurement,
- contacts’ resistance and relay coil measurement (4 wire measurement),
- isolation resistance measurement,
- timing parameters measurement (pick-up time, drop-off time, overshoot time, time of transitional bounce process)
- detection of three-point condition and false pick-up (during vibration resistance tests).
Due to latest technologies this tester shortens inspection time which now takes no more than 3 seconds per a relay with 2 contact sets. The equipment can operate in two modes: research mode (“expanded mode”) and presorting mode («valid or faulty»).
The multifunctional relay tester FT-17R provides simultaneous connection of maximum 6 terminal, closing or transfer contacts. It also provides time parameters control in single response and commutation modes.
Parameters under control:
- pick-up time is a time interval from the moment of voltage supply on binding to the first contact closure (or contact breaking if relay has only terminal contacts);
- drop-off time is a time interval from the moment of removal voltage from binding to the first contact closure (or contact breaking if relay has only terminal contacts);
- bounce time at pick-up and drop-off is a time interval from the moment of the first contact closing to the beginning of the last closing, and from the moment of the first breaking to the last contact breaking;
- overshoot time at pick-up and drop-off is a time interval from the moment of the first breaking of closing contact to the first closing of terminal contact;
- time difference (for relays with more than 1set for switching) is a time interval from the moment of the first closing of any terminal contacts to breaking the last of the terminal contacts at pick-up and drop-off.
When measuring pick-up time, drop-off time, overshoot time and time difference there doesn’t count bounce time.
For relay inspection contact devices made for required types of body frame are used.
Along with the relay tester FT-17R the software is supplied to the customer for carrying out testing process and developing own testing programs for relay inspection by tester’s operator. Additionally there is provided software and equipment set for performing self-diagnostic and metrological calibration tests. Also there are statistics information processing and output.
The multifunctional relay tester FT-17R is included in State register of measuring equipment in Russian Federation, № 48854-12.